Tourism boom promotes ancient city preservation

International Published 11 months ago on 23 May 2023 | Author TIN Media

Al-Sayaghi Waleed Mohammed Saleh Ahmed, a student from Yemen, and his Chinese classmates visited China's first bank in the ancient city of Pingyao, in the Shanxi Province of North China, on the May Day holidays of 2023.

The Yemeni remarked, "There are many cultural relics in China's ancient cities, which have intrigued me to find out more about the country's past."

Numerous historical cities in China are still in good condition. These historic locations have recently gained popularity among curious visitors thanks to the development of vibrant cultural and tourism businesses.

With a more than 1,800-year history, the old city of Xinzhou in Shanxi has more than 500 shops, many of which are time-honored and capable of offering a variety of services related to cultural relics, such as catering, lodging, and sightseeing.

More than 400,000 people visited the historic city of Xinzhou throughout the five-day May Day festivities, bringing in almost 15 million yuan ($2 million) in revenue. The majority of visitors— nearly 40%—came from other provinces.

Amidst this year's tourism boom, numerous historic city scenic locations in China have tapped into local cultural riches.

Regular celebrations of traditional holidays, such as the famed Torch Festival, are currently held in the old city of Lijiang in the Yunnan Province in southwest China, offering tourists a festive atmosphere full of regional characteristics.

Ancient cities are primarily drawn to by their cultural attractions. Ancient cities have increased their cultural preservation and restoration efforts in tandem with their burgeoning tourism growth since they are a significant carrier of the nation's intangible cultural heritages and traditional culture.

The National Cultural Heritage Administration published a paper in 2022 promoting and supporting social forces to participate in the preservation and use of cultural architecture to promote the protection of cultural treasures.

According to Su Yawei, manager of the Taiyuan Old County scenic region, "With this document, we can better safeguard and develop historical relics in the old city.